Raccoon River (Central IA) at Van Meter

Last updated: Mar 17, 2025, 5:24 AM UTC
No watches, warnings or advisories are in effect for this area.

Flood Impacts 🅘

  • 26 - Water affects the railroad line north of Van Meter.
  • 23.8 - Water is over I-80 near Van Meter.
  • 23.3 - Water reaches the bottom of the I-80 bridge near Van Meter.
  • 22.7 - Water is at the shoulder of the southbound I-35 exit to Iowa 5.
  • 21 - Water affects the rangers residence at Walnut Woods State Park.
  • 20 - Water affects Ave R just north of the river and affects several buildings in West Des Moines in Walnut Woods State Park.
  • 19 - Flooding of several county roads occurs.
  • 17 - Water threatens secondary bridges along US 6 east of Adel.
  • 15 - Flooding occurs in the sand and gravel quarries just south of I-80.
  • 13 - Overflow occurs onto much of the east bank.
  • 12 - Water affects agricultural land primarily along the upstream north bank.

Gauge Info

Coordinates 41.5340, -93.9498
State IA
County Dallas
Data Provider(s)
US Geological Survey USGS--Water Resources of the United States
USGS 05484500

Gauge Location

Recent Crests

1. 10.56 ft on 02-28-2023
2. 13.09 ft on 06-07-2022
3. 5.18 ft on 07-12-2021
4. 13.46 ft on 02-18-2020
5. 11.68 ft on 10-11-2019
6. 20.08 ft on 03-14-2019
7. 14.83 ft on 06-25-2018
8. 13.13 ft on 05-21-2017
9. 15.16 ft on 01-22-2017
10. 19.34 ft on 12-15-2015

Historic Crests

1. 26.34 ft on 07-10-1993
2. 23.29 ft on 06-15-1998
3. 23.09 ft on 06-25-2015
4. 22.69 ft on 07-01-1986
5. 22.67 ft on 06-12-2008
6. 21.77 ft on 07-03-1958
7. 21.74 ft on 07-04-1973
8. 21.59 ft on 05-23-2004
9. 21.40 ft on 06-13-1947
10. 21.39 ft on 06-16-1990

Low Water Records

Vertical Datum Table

type NAVD88 NGVD29
major Flooding 859.49 ft859.49 ft
moderate Flooding 858.49 ft858.49 ft
minor Flooding 853.49 ft853.49 ft
action 851.49 ft851.49 ft
Latest Value 841.71 ft841.71 ft
Gauge Zero 836.49 ft836.49 ft

Gauge Photos

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Probability Information

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Unique Local Info

Collaborative Agencies

The National Weather Service prepares its forecasts and other services in collaboration with agencies like the US Geological Survey, US Bureau of Reclamation, US Army Corps of Engineers, Natural Resource Conservation Service, National Park Service, ALERT Users Group, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and many state and local emergency managers across the country. For details, please click here.

WFO Information

Weather Forecast Office
Des Moines
9607 NW Beaver Dr.
Des Moines, IA 50131
Official Homepage