Kentucky River at Camp Nelson

Last updated: Mar 17, 2025, 5:36 AM UTC
No watches, warnings or advisories are in effect for this area.

Gauge Info

Coordinates 37.7453, -84.5867
State KY
County Jessamine
Data Provider(s)
US Geological Survey USGS--Water Resources of the United States
USGS 03284500

Gauge Location

Recent Crests

1. 42.92 ft on 03-04-2021
2. 33.09 ft on 02-24-2019
3. 35.03 ft on 04-04-2015 (P)
4. 46.02 ft on 05-03-2010
5. 38.44 ft on 02-19-2003

Historic Crests

1. 46.02 ft on 05-03-2010
2. 42.92 ft on 03-04-2021
3. 41.30 ft on 03-02-1962
4. 41.20 ft on 01-23-1937
5. 40.00 ft on 03-28-1913

Vertical Datum Table

type NGVD29
major Flooding 560.51 ft
moderate Flooding 556.51 ft
minor Flooding 550.51 ft
action 548.51 ft
Latest Value 543.33 ft
Gauge Zero 520.51 ft

Gauge Photos

Photo 1 of 16

Dam Inside Lock Chamber

Probability Information

Photo 1 of 3

Unique Local Info

Potential River Levels - Used to

Potential River Levels
Used to Estimate the Chance of Flooding and the Range of Possible River Levels
10 Day (HEFS) 10 Day (NAEFS) River Forecast VS. River Potential
HEFS Ensemble NAEFS Ensemble River Forecast vs Potential

Note: Use the official hydrograph at the top of this web page for river levels within the next 72 hours.

Click individual graphics to enlarge.

USGS Average Streamflow
How low could the river get?

Collaborative Agencies

The National Weather Service prepares its forecasts and other services in collaboration with agencies like the US Geological Survey, US Bureau of Reclamation, US Army Corps of Engineers, Natural Resource Conservation Service, National Park Service, ALERT Users Group, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and many state and local emergency managers across the country. For details, please click here.

WFO Information

Weather Forecast Office
6201 Theiler Lane
Louisville, KY 40229
Official Homepage