Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway above Aiw At Hwy 544 At Socastee
Future / Actual / Minor
OWP 2.0 WWA Modal Title
01/11/2021, 10:04 PM UTC through 01/11/2021, 10:04 PM UTC
- Upstream gauge unavailableDownstream gauge unavailableWarning: no valid ratings curve available. Transformations to and from FEET/CFS/KCFS will not happen.No secondary data available. Transformations for Flow data and a secondary Y axis cannot be made at this time.
Traces and Thresholds Click to turn on/off display
Observed (OBS) 03/14/2025 3:45 AM EDTRecord: 21.8 ftCATEGORY STAGE Major Flooding 18 ft Moderate Flooding 16.5 ft Minor Flooding 15 ft Action 14.5 ft Reliability of the Forecast:
NOTE: Graphical forecasts are not available during times of high water, forecast crest information can be found in the local WFO web page.
National Water Model Hydrograph
Official NWS streamflow forecasts are produced by NWS hydrologic forecasters for river gauge locations using hydrologic models which are calibrated to that location. This process considers additional guidance and information, including local expertise and experience, to produce the best forecast possible. The NWM output provides supplemental guidance to NWS forecasters and should not be considered an official NWS river forecast.
Flood Impacts
- 22 - Flooding similar to Hurricane Florence in 2018. Areas on each side of the Waterway from about Lauderdale Bay Estates to Highway 31 that experience flooding at 21.5 feet see the flooding worsen. Over 500 structures are impacted and water depths in the lowest lying areas exceed 5 feet. At this level, the lowest homes at the end of Geddings Drive, Connie Court, and Sims Drive may be affected by flooding.
- 21.5 - Flooding nearly as bad as that after Hurricane Florence in 2018 is experienced. Areas on each side of the Waterway from about Lauderdale Bay Estates to Highway 31 that experience flooding at 21 feet see the flooding worsen. Over 500 structures are impacted and water depths in the lowest lying areas exceed 5 feet. At this level, flood water also nears homes on Geddings Drive, Connie Court, and Sims Drive.
- 21 - Flooding of hundreds of ground level structures worsens in Rosewood Estates, on Star Creek Circle, Recreation Road, River Road, Ed Smith Avenue, Creekside Drive, Mill Creek Road, Smith Boulevard, Folly Lane, John Henry Lane, Shem Creek Circle, West Oak Circle, Roberta Lane, Zeddie Lane, Renata Lane, Earls Road, El Duce Place, Enterprise Road, Teague Road, and Riverside Drive. Structures on Foxcatcher Drive, Downybrook Road, River Cliff Drive, Hidden Harbor Road, Islander Road, and Stonebrook Drive flood.
Gauge Info
Coordinates | 33.6869, -79.0050 |
State | SC |
County | Horry |
Data Provider(s) | |
US Geological Survey | USGS--Water Resources of the United States |
USGS | 02110725 |
Gauge Location
Recent Crests
1. | 14.68 ft | on 09-30-2022 |
2. | 18.24 ft | on 02-27-2021 |
3. | 15.06 ft | on 01-13-2021 |
4. | 15.77 ft | on 11-25-2020 |
5. | 14.55 ft | on 08-04-2020 |
Recent Crests
1. | 14.68 ft | on 09-30-2022 |
2. | 18.24 ft | on 02-27-2021 |
3. | 15.06 ft | on 01-13-2021 |
4. | 15.77 ft | on 11-25-2020 |
5. | 14.55 ft | on 08-04-2020 |
6. | 17.35 ft | on 06-07-2020 |
7. | 16.47 ft | on 02-21-2020 |
8. | 15.14 ft | on 09-05-2019 |
9. | 14.19 ft | on 03-13-2019 |
10. | 14.52 ft | on 03-08-2019 |
11. | 14.52 ft | on 03-07-2019 |
12. | 14.74 ft | on 01-08-2019 |
13. | 15.53 ft | on 12-28-2018 |
14. | 15.53 ft | on 12-28-2018 |
15. | 15.33 ft | on 12-21-2018 |
16. | 15.94 ft | on 11-26-2018 |
17. | 14.33 ft | on 10-26-2018 |
18. | 21.83 ft | on 09-27-2018 |
19. | 14.76 ft | on 09-17-2018 |
20. | 14.59 ft | on 09-12-2017 |
21. | 19.23 ft | on 10-18-2016 |
22. | 17.07 ft | on 10-08-2016 |
23. | 14.17 ft | on 02-25-2016 |
24. | 14.91 ft | on 02-16-2016 |
25. | 14.72 ft | on 02-13-2016 |
26. | 14.30 ft | on 02-09-2016 |
27. | 16.36 ft | on 01-10-2016 |
28. | 14.31 ft | on 12-01-2015 |
29. | 14.26 ft | on 11-28-2015 |
30. | 14.73 ft | on 11-22-2015 |
31. | 14.23 ft | on 11-15-2015 |
32. | 14.04 ft | on 11-10-2015 |
33. | 14.05 ft | on 10-28-2015 |
34. | 16.80 ft | on 10-12-2015 |
35. | 16.50 ft | on 10-05-2015 |
36. | 13.82 ft | on 01-24-2015 |
37. | 13.94 ft | on 03-07-2014 |
38. | 14.50 ft | on 07-18-2013 |
39. | 13.70 ft | on 06-22-2013 |
40. | 13.38 ft | on 06-07-2012 |
41. | 13.19 ft | on 08-27-2011 |
42. | 13.68 ft | on 10-08-2010 |
43. | 14.12 ft | on 09-30-2010 |
44. | 14.37 ft | on 02-18-2010 |
45. | 14.39 ft | on 02-15-2010 |
46. | 14.28 ft | on 02-08-2010 |
47. | 14.44 ft | on 02-06-2010 |
48. | 13.61 ft | on 01-30-2010 |
49. | 14.43 ft | on 12-19-2009 |
50. | 13.74 ft | on 10-25-2008 |
51. | 14.05 ft | on 09-06-2008 |
52. | 13.48 ft | on 01-01-2007 |
53. | 14.22 ft | on 12-06-2006 |
54. | 13.80 ft | on 10-07-2005 |
55. | 13.68 ft | on 10-13-2004 |
56. | 14.58 ft | on 09-21-2004 |
57. | 16.03 ft | on 04-22-2003 |
58. | 14.12 ft | on 04-09-2003 |
59. | 14.93 ft | on 04-02-2003 |
60. | 14.80 ft | on 03-21-2003 |
61. | 13.53 ft | on 10-16-2002 |
62. | 13.03 ft | on 03-30-2002 |
63. | 14.17 ft | on 03-21-2001 |
64. | 14.05 ft | on 09-18-2000 |
65. | 14.57 ft | on 10-26-1999 |
66. | 14.40 ft | on 10-23-1999 |
67. | 14.71 ft | on 10-18-1999 |
68. | 14.79 ft | on 10-07-1999 |
69. | 15.76 ft | on 09-29-1999 |
Historic Crests
1. | 21.83 ft | on 09-27-2018 |
2. | 19.23 ft | on 10-18-2016 |
3. | 18.24 ft | on 02-27-2021 |
4. | 17.35 ft | on 06-07-2020 |
5. | 17.07 ft | on 10-08-2016 |
Historic Crests
1. | 21.83 ft | on 09-27-2018 |
2. | 19.23 ft | on 10-18-2016 |
3. | 18.24 ft | on 02-27-2021 |
4. | 17.35 ft | on 06-07-2020 |
5. | 17.07 ft | on 10-08-2016 |
6. | 16.80 ft | on 10-12-2015 |
7. | 16.50 ft | on 10-05-2015 |
8. | 16.47 ft | on 02-21-2020 |
9. | 16.36 ft | on 01-10-2016 |
10. | 16.03 ft | on 04-22-2003 |
11. | 15.94 ft | on 11-26-2018 |
12. | 15.77 ft | on 11-25-2020 |
13. | 15.76 ft | on 09-29-1999 |
14. | 15.53 ft | on 12-28-2018 |
15. | 15.53 ft | on 12-28-2018 |
16. | 15.33 ft | on 12-21-2018 |
17. | 15.14 ft | on 09-05-2019 |
18. | 15.06 ft | on 01-13-2021 |
19. | 14.93 ft | on 04-02-2003 |
20. | 14.91 ft | on 02-16-2016 |
21. | 14.80 ft | on 03-21-2003 |
22. | 14.79 ft | on 10-07-1999 |
23. | 14.76 ft | on 09-17-2018 |
24. | 14.74 ft | on 01-08-2019 |
25. | 14.73 ft | on 11-22-2015 |
26. | 14.72 ft | on 02-13-2016 |
27. | 14.71 ft | on 10-18-1999 |
28. | 14.68 ft | on 09-30-2022 |
29. | 14.59 ft | on 09-12-2017 |
30. | 14.58 ft | on 09-21-2004 |
31. | 14.57 ft | on 10-26-1999 |
32. | 14.55 ft | on 08-04-2020 |
33. | 14.52 ft | on 03-08-2019 |
34. | 14.52 ft | on 03-07-2019 |
35. | 14.50 ft | on 07-18-2013 |
36. | 14.44 ft | on 02-06-2010 |
37. | 14.43 ft | on 12-19-2009 |
38. | 14.40 ft | on 10-23-1999 |
39. | 14.39 ft | on 02-15-2010 |
40. | 14.37 ft | on 02-18-2010 |
41. | 14.33 ft | on 10-26-2018 |
42. | 14.31 ft | on 12-01-2015 |
43. | 14.30 ft | on 02-09-2016 |
44. | 14.28 ft | on 02-08-2010 |
45. | 14.26 ft | on 11-28-2015 |
46. | 14.23 ft | on 11-15-2015 |
47. | 14.22 ft | on 12-06-2006 |
48. | 14.19 ft | on 03-13-2019 |
49. | 14.17 ft | on 02-25-2016 |
50. | 14.17 ft | on 03-21-2001 |
51. | 14.12 ft | on 09-30-2010 |
52. | 14.12 ft | on 04-09-2003 |
53. | 14.05 ft | on 09-18-2000 |
54. | 14.05 ft | on 10-28-2015 |
55. | 14.05 ft | on 09-06-2008 |
56. | 14.04 ft | on 11-10-2015 |
57. | 13.94 ft | on 03-07-2014 |
58. | 13.82 ft | on 01-24-2015 |
59. | 13.80 ft | on 10-07-2005 |
60. | 13.74 ft | on 10-25-2008 |
61. | 13.70 ft | on 06-22-2013 |
62. | 13.68 ft | on 10-08-2010 |
63. | 13.68 ft | on 10-13-2004 |
64. | 13.61 ft | on 01-30-2010 |
65. | 13.53 ft | on 10-16-2002 |
66. | 13.48 ft | on 01-01-2007 |
67. | 13.38 ft | on 06-07-2012 |
68. | 13.19 ft | on 08-27-2011 |
69. | 13.03 ft | on 03-30-2002 |
Gauge Photos
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Probability Information
No Images Available
Collaborative Agencies
The National Weather Service prepares its forecasts and other services in collaboration with agencies like the US Geological Survey, US Bureau of Reclamation, US Army Corps of Engineers, Natural Resource Conservation Service, National Park Service, ALERT Users Group, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and many state and local emergency managers across the country. For details, please click here.