Sandy River near Bull Run

Last updated: Mar 16, 2025, 1:48 AM UTC
No watches, warnings or advisories are in effect for this area.

Flood Impacts 🅘

  • 21.5 - expect significant bank erosion, large amounts of debris in the river, and flooding of low areas along the river, especially in the lower reach of the Sandy near Troutdale.
  • 19.3 - expect areas of significant bank erosion and some minor flooding of low areas along the Sandy from Ten Eyck Road Bridge, also called Revenue Bridge downstream to Troutdale.

Gauge Info

Coordinates 45.4486, -122.245
State OR
County Multnomah
Data Provider(s)
US Geological Survey USGS--Water Resources of the United States
USGS 14142500

Gauge Location

Recent Crests

1. 16.84 ft on 12-07-2015
2. 17.80 ft on 12-02-2013
3. 21.84 ft on 01-16-2011
4. 21.62 ft on 01-02-2009
5. 19.30 ft on 11-07-2006

Historic Crests

1. 22.59 ft on 02-07-1996
2. 22.30 ft on 12-22-1964
3. 21.84 ft on 01-16-2011
4. 21.62 ft on 01-02-2009
5. 21.44 ft on 11-25-1999

Gauge Photos

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Probability Information

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Collaborative Agencies

The National Weather Service prepares its forecasts and other services in collaboration with agencies like the US Geological Survey, US Bureau of Reclamation, US Army Corps of Engineers, Natural Resource Conservation Service, National Park Service, ALERT Users Group, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and many state and local emergency managers across the country. For details, please click here.

WFO Information

Weather Forecast Office
5241 NE 122nd Avenue
Portland, OR 97230-1089
Official Homepage