Edgartown Harbor near Chappaquiddick Point (IN MLLW)
Future / Actual / Minor
OWP 2.0 WWA Modal Title
01/11/2021, 10:04 PM UTC through 01/11/2021, 10:04 PM UTC
- Upstream gauge unavailableDownstream gauge unavailableWarning: no valid ratings curve available. Transformations to and from FEET/CFS/KCFS will not happen.No secondary data available. Transformations for Flow data and a secondary Y axis cannot be made at this time.
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Observed (OBS) 03/14/2025 11:12 PM EDTOfficial Forecast (FCST) 03/14/2025 4:07 PM EDTRecord: 6.7 ftCATEGORY STAGE Major Flooding 7 ft Moderate Flooding 5.5 ft Minor Flooding 4 ft Action 3.5 ft Reliability of the Forecast:
NOTE: Forecasts are issued routinely year-round.
Please refer to our Coastal Hazard Message for specific information regarding Coastal Flood Watches, Warnings and Advisories. Actual impacts from any coastal flooding event may vary due to factors such as rainfall, wave action, and the number of tide cycles during which there is an onshore flow. During tropical cyclones, please refer here for additional storm surge information.
During a Tropical Storm or Hurricane Watch or Warning, inundation mapping provided by the National Hurricane Center (go to the web site and select the storm of interest) is available and reflects the reasonable worst case scenario.
National Water Model Hydrograph
Official NWS streamflow forecasts are produced by NWS hydrologic forecasters for river gauge locations using hydrologic models which are calibrated to that location. This process considers additional guidance and information, including local expertise and experience, to produce the best forecast possible. The NWM output provides supplemental guidance to NWS forecasters and should not be considered an official NWS river forecast.
Flood Impacts
- 7 - This is a degree of flooding rarely seen. Life threatening flooding more than 3 feet deep affects many coastal roads in Edgartown, Vineyard Haven, and Oak Bluffs. This includes Edgartown Harbor, Five Corners and nearby roads on Vineyard Haven Harbor, Oak Bluffs Harbor, and coastal roads where debris may wash onto the road. Many roads may be flooded several hours before and after high tide.
- 6 - Many coastal roads are impassable with flooding 2 to 3 feet deep. In Edgartown, the Chappy Ferry Dock and Dock Street are flooded. In Vineyard Haven, Five Corners, Water Street, and Lagoon Pond Road are flooded. Beach Road from Vineyard Haven to Oak Bluffs, and from Oak Bluffs to Edgartown, are flooded. In Oak Bluffs, flooding affects East Chop Drive, the section of Lake Avenue near Oak Bluffs Harbor, and Sea View Avenue, where debris may wash onto the road.
- 5 - Many coastal roads become impassable with flooding 1 to 3 feet deep. This includes the Chappy Ferry Dock and Dock Street near Edgartown Harbor. In Vineyard Haven, Five Corners, Beach Road, and Water Street become impassable. In Oak Bluffs, flooding affects East Chop Drive, the section of Lake Avenue near Oak Bluffs Harbor, and Sea View Avenue, where debris may also wash onto the roadway.
Gauge Location
Recent Crests
1. | 4.42 ft | on 03-14-2024 |
2. | 6.70 ft | on 01-13-2024 |
3. | 5.30 ft | on 01-10-2024 |
4. | 5.30 ft | on 12-18-2023 |
5. | 4.90 ft | on 12-23-2022 |
Recent Crests
1. | 4.42 ft | on 03-14-2024 |
2. | 6.70 ft | on 01-13-2024 |
3. | 5.30 ft | on 01-10-2024 |
4. | 5.30 ft | on 12-18-2023 |
5. | 4.90 ft | on 12-23-2022 |
Historic Crests
1. | 6.70 ft | on 01-13-2024 |
2. | 5.30 ft | on 01-10-2024 |
3. | 5.30 ft | on 12-18-2023 |
4. | 4.90 ft | on 12-23-2022 |
5. | 4.42 ft | on 03-14-2024 |
Historic Crests
1. | 6.70 ft | on 01-13-2024 |
2. | 5.30 ft | on 01-10-2024 |
3. | 5.30 ft | on 12-18-2023 |
4. | 4.90 ft | on 12-23-2022 |
5. | 4.42 ft | on 03-14-2024 |
Vertical Datum Table
type | MLLW* |
major Flooding | 7.00 ft |
moderate Flooding | 5.50 ft |
minor Flooding | 4.00 ft |
action | 3.50 ft |
Latest Value | 1.72 ft |
Gauge Zero | 0.00 ft |
Gauge Photos
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Probability Information
No Images Available
Unique Local Info
Vertical Datum references a tidal datum...for more information see https://www.tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov.
Collaborative Agencies
The National Weather Service prepares its forecasts and other services in collaboration with agencies like the US Geological Survey, US Bureau of Reclamation, US Army Corps of Engineers, Natural Resource Conservation Service, National Park Service, ALERT Users Group, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and many state and local emergency managers across the country. For details, please click here.