Coosawattee River near Ellijay

Last updated: Mar 21, 2025, 5:17 PM UTC
No watches, warnings or advisories are in effect for this area.

Flood Impacts 🅘

  • 23 - Record flooding never seen before will affect all of Ellijay. Old Georgia 5 bridge on the Ellijay River will be flooded and closed. A catastrophic and massive flood will continue to affect much of the infrastructure of Ellijay. Widespread inundation flooding will occur along the Coosawattee...Ellijay...and Cartecay Rivers. Numerous homes...businesses...and roads will be affected with up to 10 feet of water. Transportation in and out of Ellijay will be almost impossible due to road closures.
  • 21 - Record flooding occurs. A catastrophic and massive flood event will affect much of the infrastructure of Ellijay. Widespread inundation flooding will occur along the Coosawattee...Ellijay...and Cartecay Rivers. Numerous homes...businesses...and roads will be affected with several feet of water. Transportation in and out of Ellijay will be extremely difficult due to road closures.
  • 18 - Major flooding continues with the Sheriffs Patrol Office and the Parks and Recreation Office at the Harold Hefner River Park beginning to flood. Water reaches the bottom of the bridge on Georgia Highway 282 near the intersection of Old Georgia Highway 5. The bridge will likely be closed by state officials. Widespread flooding of homes and businesses continues in Ellijay. This flooding will be worse than the flooding experienced with Hurricane Ivan in September 2004.

Gauge Info

Coordinates 34.6759, -84.5068
State GA
County Gilmer
Data Provider(s)
US Geological Survey USGS--Water Resources of the United States
USGS 02380500
COE Website

Gauge Location

Recent Crests

1. 9.60 ft on 05-09-2024
2. 8.28 ft on 02-04-2022
3. 8.97 ft on 09-01-2021
4. 12.22 ft on 03-26-2021
5. 9.38 ft on 02-06-2020

Historic Crests

1. 20.70 ft on 03-29-1951
2. 17.63 ft on 10-04-1964
3. 17.33 ft on 09-17-2004
4. 16.74 ft on 02-16-1990
5. 14.95 ft on 05-28-1973

Low Water Records

(P) -  Preliminary values subject to further review
¹ -  Gauge datum changed during this year

Vertical Datum Table

type NAVD88 STND
major Flooding 1226.93 ft11.00 ft
moderate Flooding 1225.93 ft10.00 ft
minor Flooding 1223.93 ft8.00 ft
action 1221.93 ft6.00 ft
Latest Value 1218.04 ft2.11 ft
Gauge Zero 1215.93 ft0.00 ft

Gauge Photos

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Probability Information

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Collaborative Agencies

The National Weather Service prepares its forecasts and other services in collaboration with agencies like the US Geological Survey, US Bureau of Reclamation, US Army Corps of Engineers, Natural Resource Conservation Service, National Park Service, ALERT Users Group, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and many state and local emergency managers across the country. For details, please click here.

WFO Information

Weather Forecast Office
Peachtree City/Atlanta
4 Falcon Drive
Peachtree City, GA 30269
Official Homepage